Alone time
Jin Han Lee, Xinyu Zhou, Rebecca Halliwell-Sutton & Jenine Marsh
17 Goulston Street

Installation view: Alone time

(Left) Jenine Marsh, charm for the remainder (3), 2022, Flowers, wire, coin, synthetic rubber, acrylic UV varnish, nails, 36 x 6 x 6cm (Right) Jin Han Lee, November Moon, 2022, Oil on linen, 150 x 200 cm

(Left) Jin Han Lee, November Moon, 2022, Oil on linen, 150 x 200 cm (Middle) Rebecca K. Halliwell-Sutton,
Cling into snaps of static , 2022, Aluminium, aerated concrete block, heather, photograph, 250 cm x 260 cm x 40 cm

(Left) Xinyu Zhou, Gone like a breeze, 2022, Acrylic, pastel, oil stick on paper mounted on board, 50 x 40cm (Middle Left) Xinyu Zhou, When i look into your eyes , 2022, Oil stick on aluminium plate, 65 x 65 cm (Middle Right) Rebecca K. Halliwell-Sutton, Sightlines, 2022, Aluminium, concrete, 52 cm x 37 cm x 40 cm (Right) Xinyu Zhou, Reading. 2, 2022, Acrylic, oil stick on wood, 120 x 150cm

Jin Han Lee, Meeting at Night, 2022, Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour and spray paint on linen, 150 x 200 cm

(Left) Jin Han Lee, Tree Man (yellow Moon), 2022, Oil on linen, 116.8 x 91 cm (Right) Jin Han Lee, Tree Man (Purple Night), 2022, Oil and acrylic on linen, 116.8 x 91 cm

Installation view: Alone time. (Left) Xinyu Zhou, Repeat 'a page left behind no.1', 2022, Acrylic, oil stick on board. (Middle) Jenine Marsh, charm for the remainder (the (re-)construction of fully visible forms, 2022
Flowers, wire, coin, synthetic rubber, acrylic UV varnish, nails, 36 x 6 x 6cm, 70 x 90cm. (Right) Rebecca K. Halliwell-Sutton, Motes of us, 2022, Aluminium, concrete, 88 cm x 77 cm x 20 cm

Installation view: Alone time