What We Name We Can Contain
Sasha Litvintseva, Lewis Teague Wright
17 Goulston Street

My finger, fetid from the dry sweat beneath my ring, an enthralling texture of grease detrius and effluvia from the steel, This musk would announce me, 2015, Shuttering, brackets. Dimensions variable

The Coral Beds Having Been Crushed Beneath the Weight of Exploration. Strip Lights Reverberating, „Twing, Twing, Ting“ as I and They Awoke, 2015, pigmented polyurethane foam, 244 x 122 x 22 cm

Installation view: What We Name, We Can Contain, Union Pacific Projects, 2015

Clenching Neoprene; His Eyes Drifted Through the Windscreen, Casting Across the Glass Shimmer of the Open Aquatic Plane, Inaccessible to the Bare Foot Man, 2015, pigmented polyurethane foam, 244 x 122 x 22 cm

Evergreen (Still), 2014, HD Video, looped, 49 minutes

Evergreen (Still), 2014, HD Video, looped, 49 minutes

Installation view: What We Name, We Can Contain, Union Pacific Projects, 2015

Installation view: What We Name, We Can Contain, Union Pacific Projects, 2015

With a Bucket of Frogs and Her Older Brother‘s Tattoo Gun, She Inscribed on all Their Backs ‚KISS ME QUICK!‘ and Released Them Into the Local Swimming Pool, 2015, pigmented polyurethane foam and shuttering, 244 x 244 x 22cm each

Installation view: What We Name, We Can Contain, Union Pacific Projects, 2015

Evergreen (Still), 2014, HD Video, looped, 49 minutes